
어떤 의식

수승화강지촌 2024. 9. 6. 14:05

From the realms of sheer darkness, when you wake up early in the morning, slowly, you become aware. 여명이 당신을 깨워  눈이 번쩍!
Initially, you see the light, the objects in the room, and then you realise that you are alive..감사 ~  감사합니다.

And seeing all this, you realise your present circumstances, what you are as a personality? 我를 들여다 봅니다.

What this day means to you? 오늘은 어떤 의미?

What this morning means? 오늘은 무엇?

You realise the estimations and expectations from the day and life. 어떤 기대와 흥분?

You feel your body, any minor or major discomfort like pain irritation in the throat. 體의 불편함같은 거 ?

Quickly you establish an identity of “I” inside the physical body who is dealing with this world. 我의 정체성은?

You add a deeper meaning to mere stimuli. 단순한 자극
Your mind automatically connects all the memories, thoughts, circumstances, experiences, notions, feelings together in a complex net and you feel the world in a unique way.어떤 독특한 방식?
Being alive and the feeling that I am alive is consciousness.”삶~ 느낌ᆢ이것이 의식이다.

The ability to experience this world through the combination of our senses, mind, subconscious repository, judgements, thoughts and the ability to realise that we are experiencing something combined is consciousness. 깨닫는 의식

The unique perspective and thought process you have while interacting with the environment, how you uniquely you perceive things and situations, based upon your mind, emotions, memories, biases, is your consciousness.
편견에 따른 인식~ 의식

Realising that you inside a body is reacting in a particular way to a particular situation is consciousness; reacting is not consciousness even robots and bots do that. 깨닫는 것이 의식이다.

Pbserving your reactions, realising that you are tea ting, bringing emotions to reactions is consciousness. 반응 관찰/시험/ 감정반응=  의식

More you are aware of your surroundings, life and environment, the better your consciousness.내부가 아닌 주변

The essence of consciousness may be similar but, the depth and operational ways are different in people.의식의 작동 방식의 차이

For example, when someone shouts at us, some of us would take it as an offensive behaviour and react accordingly, others would take it as nonsense and ignore, some would identify the reason why that person is behaving in that way, “he is frustrated because of that bad incident.”어떤 경우 !

You are seeing movie in a theatre.오늘도 영화 한편

Experiencing the story, visual scenes is consciousness 스토리와 경험

Being aware that it's a movie is also consciousness. 영화 제작도 의식
Seeing yourself interacting in a particular way with this world and its stimuli is also consciousness. 어떤 방식 조차도 의식

The understanding of your identity as “I” and who and how “I” is, is also awareness.我의 이해와 폭
Receiving stimuli through senses and realising what they mean and reacting is not just consciousness; being aware that your body has received stimuli is also consciousness.신체의 반응
Connecting past, present and future and then understanding and decoding an experience is also consciousness….;)
이해, 해독도 의식 ?

We don't perceive everything we receive. We receive a lot but accept some. Our focus and the ability to switch focus from one thing present in the environment to the other is also consciousness. 받아들이는 부분만이 의식

Being aware if the reality of the world in a particular way determine by your way of life and thought process is consciousness.삶의 방식 에서 모든 것조차 의식

Experience & Awareness 경험과 인식
While sleeping, if you dream, you are still conscious; there's a dream world created out of thoughts and past experiences from the endless repository of your subconscious. 창조의 세계

The level of consciousness is different and low from the present state of your body and the real world, but you are still conscious and active in that dream world; the limitation is lack of actual stimulation.자극 부족

If you are in a light sleep or resting and trying to catch a deep sleep, you are still conscious and realise that you are trying to sleep.의식의 환경
In a deep sleep, no dreams, you are unconscious, and when you wake up, you feel as if you never slept because you weren't conscious.(?)
Consciousness is not one state but a scale of awareness, higher awareness or lower awareness and any point in between.의식의 척도
Consciousness is being aware about yourself and the external world and the connections between both.자신과 외부 사이의 의식의 세계
To be aware of what's running in and occupying one’s own mind, to observe one's own thought process and thoughts. 속내속에 의식

If you see a relative, and instantly smile and feel good, you realise that you are feeling good about seeing that person, youare conscious of your love and emotions for them. 어떤 의식, 등

Each individual’s and each group’s definition of what world and life are also defines our consciousness, ithighlights the uniqueness (flaws or depth) of consciousness we have and share with fellow humans.의식의 정의(?)

Subjectivity in experiences influenced by mind, memories, subconscious, emotions, senses and thought process is also consciousness.주관성도 의식
Consciousness is caused by life, and consciousness sustains life. 의식은 생명이다.

Even in animals which aren’t as intelligent as humans and enjoy much limited consciousness, still, they are conscious enough to realise their hunger and other needs and safeguard themselves from threats. (省)

”Higher Consciousness”
Without deep consciousness, our human life would filter all the meaning away and leave behind simple robots acting as they have to.깊은 의식의 필요성

We, humans, are subjective beings. 주관적인 존재
The depth in our actions, the reasons, the visions we have in mind, the correlation of our past, present and future, involvement of emotions is consciousness. 我의 모든 것ᆢ 의식

We simply do not just keep acting best on the stimulus given to us.
It's consciousness which makes this world, this nature, and every bit of it relevant and lively. 생동감 있게 만드는 의식

Without consciousness, there is complete darkness.의식이 없다면 암흑


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