* 월 * 일 *


수승화강지촌 2021. 2. 12. 08:27

‘Love Hormone’   By Jason Riley

Oxytocin and its cuddly effects

Oxytocin is a mammalian hormone responsible for the sensation of love. It’s involved in social recognition and bonding, and is believed to play a part in the formation of trust between people. It’s what makes mother-baby bonding so powerful – hence it being known as the ‘cuddle chemical’ and ‘love hormone’.

But it’s also been found that the males of many species have oxytocin-led responses to early parenting – some of which are pretty surprising.

***. Dogs are chock full of the ‘love hormone’

Dogs’ bodies produce oxytocin when in the presence of their human counterparts – and they get a big burst of it every time they make eye contact with their bonded humans.

When a dog’s brain is flooded with the hormone, it’s better able to follow the social cues of its owners. And the longer a dog maintains its owners’ gaze, the more elevated the levels of oxytocin released.

In fact, dog levels of oxytocin are on average five times higher than those of cats.


'사랑 호르몬'  옥시토신과 그 귀여워 효과

옥시토신은 사랑의 감각에 대한 책임이 있는 포유류 호르몬입니다.

- 따라서 그것은 '포옹 화학'과 '사랑 호르몬'으로 알려져.

*** 개는 '사랑 호르몬'의 전체

반려견의 몸은 인간과 마주할 때 옥시토신을 생산하고, 접합된 인간과 눈을 마주볼 때마다 큰 폭발을 일으킵니다.

강아지의 뇌가 호르몬으로 넘쳐나면 주인의 사회적 단서를 더 잘 따를 수 있습니다.

그리고 개가 주인의 시선을 오래 유지할수록 옥시토신 수치가 높아지도록 합니다.

사실, 옥시토신의 개 수준은 고양이의 개 수준보다 평균 5 배 높다.


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