의식이 없는 녀석들

의식으로 이겨내기

수승화강지촌 2024. 9. 5. 18:40

(참고)ᆢThere is no line between conscious and unconscious. Consciousness is not a boolean yes/no. ,의식에는 예, 아니오가 없다

The newest theory of consciousness, Integrated information theory, posits that consciousness is simply information processing. 의식은 오직 정보처리가 전부란다.

The more integrated/complex the information processing, the richer the awareness. 인식은 풍부해진다.

But that thing we call “awareness” never really goes away entirely; it just becomes less and less rich the more parts you take away. 의식은 사라지지 않는다.

And it wouldn’t make sense for it to suddenly go from “rich awareness” to “no awareness”.변하지 않는다.


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